Saint Names For Babies

Parents choose saint names for their babies. It is believe that the saint names control the destiny of the baby such as meaningful life, career, and relationships. By faith, the saint acts as a patron or guide throughout life of an individual.

The saint names are given to babies in baptism on Catholic Church. The baptism which is a religious ceremony purifies the babies and signifies Christian membership. Using the holy water, the religious minister purifies the baby.

In many countries, they celebrate the saint day as the birthday of the baby. Sometimes, the parents choose name the baby with the saint on the actual birthday. And, the family celebrates the saint day and birthday at the same time.

The act of using saint names started on earliest Christianity. The Canon Law in 855 states to stay away from names that is outside the scope of Christianity. The Canon Law is a legal system of the Roman Catholic Church which includes courts, judges, and lawyers.

The Christian baby name began in the pagan days of the Europe. The Pagans converted into Christianity thru baptism. Thereby, the Pagans drop the Pagan names for biblical baby names.

In 325 AD, the Roman Catholic Church prohibits the pagan names like Marcus and Diana. Marcus is a Spanish baby name which means warlike. On the other hand, Diana is a French baby name which means Greek Goddess of the moon.

In 1545 AD, the Roman Catholic Church ordered the use of saint names mandatory in Roman Catholic baptism.

In 1600 AD, the Protestants reject the Catholic saint names. The Protestants are another sect of Christianity with different beliefs from the Roman Catholic. Needing a baby name on Christian baptism, the Protestants use the names from the Old Testament of the Holy Bible such as Elijah and Joshua. Elijah and Joshua are baby names meaning Jehovah is God and God is salvation respectively.

To be saint is a tough act to follow. First, the candidate must perform at least two miracles. Second, the candidate must have good personality. Third, the candidate must have supernatural influence. However, the act of martyr also leads to sainthood.

Investing Basics To A Better Financial Future

Perhaps you’re in the same situation as so many other people have been in. You see people with wealth and want to have it for your family. Or you think about investing in the stock market, but have no clue on how to start. You picture yourself having a better lifestyle, but you just can’t seem to get started.

Finance, investing, personal stocks may be the best solution for you. Finance and investments can seem difficult to comprehend for anyone new, but once you get a better understanding of the terminology you’ll feel more comfortable.

One point you need to keep in mind is that investing in the stock market, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc., is not a get rich quick type scheme. It takes time, effort and a plan. The benefits for your efforts though, will be very rewarding.

While money is not everything in life, having more of it can make it easier for both you and your family for years to come. The problem most people have is not knowing what to do.

What exactly is investing?

In simple terms, investing is letting your money work for you. I know that may seem strange to some, but that’s what it is. Investing will force you to have a different mindset when it comes to money.

If you were like me, all of the time growing up I was taught that you had to get a job and work hard to make money. If I wanted to have more money, I had to either get a better paying job, or work more hours. Well, there are only so many hours in a day, and if you don’t have any free time, what good is having money?

When you’re investing your money, you’re putting it to work so to speak. Now you have your money working and you’re also working. It doubles up your efforts and maximizes your earning power.

What can you invest in?

You can invest in more areas and ways than what I can mention here. It can be investing online stocks, securities, commodities, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, and the list goes on.

The key to any finance investing personal stocks, etc., is to do some research. You don’t just spend money on buying just any stock. You’ll need to take some time and research the area you’re interested in. Look at the risk and the profit potential. Then make a decision to invest.

I would encourage you to take the time and develop an investment plan of your own. No matter how small you have to start, the key is to get started. With companies cutting out pension plans, and the uncertainty of social security benefits, having a good investment plan makes solid financial sense.


For successful goal achievement your goals need to be set in such a compelling way that you are propelled towards them powerfully and unconsciously – automatically and effortlessly i.e. goal setting in such a way that you put yourself on autopilot.

Secret to Effective Goal Setting FIVE essential elements have to be present. It’s just not enough to know what you want. You have to present it to your brain in a certain format for your brain to then support you in the achievement of those wonderful goals.

First, the focus of your goal should be on the outcome i.e. the end result and not the process of working the goal e.g. if weight loss is the goal then do not think about the diet you will follow or exercises you will have to take up. Instead focus your mind on the end result i.e. yourself at the right/reduced weight. If getting fit is your goal, do not think of the exercise routines you will follow, instead imagine how you will look when you have become fit. If you want to go for a promotion in your job, then imagine what it would be like being in that new higher position.

Once the final outcome is clear, then comes the vital step of presenting that final composite picture or movie to your brain whilst engaging all your senses. Get yourself in a quiet place, relax, close your eyes and visualise that final outcome/result – maybe you see yourself celebrating the achievement of your goal by doing something special. As you sit there imagining that celebration in your mind systematically add in these 5 vital elements to program your mind:

Visual elements: see yourself as you will be once your goal/outcome is achieved, how do you look? Happy, vibrant, smiling, wearing fantastic clothes, jewellery etc? Celebrating with friends/family perhaps? Make that picture brighter, make the picture bigger, and add some vibrant colours. Maybe there are people around you smiling at you, pleased for you, admiring you;

Auditory: what are you hearing? ‘Congratulations’? ‘Well Done!’ Applause? Maybe celebratory music or maybe you are relaxing somewhere on a beach and can hear the waves. Add in the sounds of the scenario in your mind;

Kinaesthetic: How are you feeling in that final outcome scenario? Are you moving around, maybe dancing, maybe jumping with joy, feeling a great sense of achievement, maybe punching the air with excitement. Maybe people are hugging you, slapping you on your back, shaking hands with you. Feel the happiness, the contentment, the excitement. Feel the air around you on your skin, feel the lovely clothes you are wearing, the chairs you are sitting on, the floor you are walking on – whatever, just feel the surroundings around you in your final outcome picture;

Gustatory: now in that final picture, experience the tastes of that moment. Maybe you are downing champagne – taste it. Maybe you are on the beach – taste the salt water in the air and on your lips. Maybe it’s a slap-up meal you are having – taste that food! Savour the flavours;

Olfactory: what are the fragrances and perfumes in that final outcome picture? Maybe you are wearing your favourite perfume or cologne, maybe you are savouring the fragrances of a beach holiday, or that new office you have been promoted to…whatever, engage your nose and breathe in the smell of success!

You must ensure that you engage all your 5 senses in your final outcome picture – at this moment you don’t have to worry about how you get there – just give your brain a powerful and compelling picture with all the five sensory experiences woven into it. It could be a static picture or a short movie – that’s fine – just ensure all five senses are part of that last outcome.

Repetition is Essential Now you have to present that picture or movie to your brain regularly so that it guides all your actions and behaviours. Ideally everyday, you should spend a few minutes, revisiting that picture/movie daily. All you need to do is sit quietly for a few minutes with your eyes closed [can be on the bus, train etc] and just imagine that final outcome. And as you imagine it, again engage all five senses… see, hear, feel, taste and smell that final outcome moment. Regular exposure will ensure that your brain begins to select actions, behaviours and attitudes that will propel you towards the achievement of that goal. It will keep you motivated and focused. Keep the picture bright and large. You have now instructed your brain, you have set the destination and your brain will now guide and support you to that destination. Consider it to your own little Tom Tom or GPS system. You will find that you automatically choose and take the right actions and steps that will take you to your goal. You will be pulled towards your goals….easily and effortlessly. You will recognise opportunities that are relevant to you.

With practice you will find you easily begin to create these compelling and powerful outcome scenarios for all your goals, aims and ambitions…from major to minor…it doesn’t matter…it works.

It is essential to remind your brain of the final outcomes regularly. It is easy to do…just takes a few minutes a day. All you are doing is programming your mind to support you.

This should be enough …however, if you want additional support, you can further program your mind through hypnosis, affirmations or repetitions. There are various ways of achieving this – visit a hypnotherapist or an easy and reasonably priced alternative is to invest in a good mind programming software or audio programs.

No need to struggle with will power. We live in the 21st Century so work smarter not harder and use today’s technology to achieve more in your life. To find out more about effective and powerful success tools and resources checkout:

Success and Failure Defined

Ok this one is supposed to be simple. Everyone wants success to some degree. Now success isn’t the same for everybody; for some it’s money, for others it’s attaining an attractive spouse, and for some it’s just plain happiness in one form or the other (sorry if I left your category out). In any case, it’s tried and true that some people just seem to have their chips in all the right baskets and know all the right people while some people just plain don’t.

I want to do a simple comparison between a successful thinker and a failure-type thinker. Both deal with the same obstacles and both, believe it or not, go through the same internal struggles on a daily basis. The successful thinker has the same insecurities as the failure, but it’s in the way he processes those thoughts and portrays them in his daily interactions that sets him apart.

Let’s face it: everyone FAILS. Everybody fails period. I fail, you fail, your rich uncle failed, and Thomas Edison failed (thousands of times). Take a look at how your failures have affected you. I can look back at some disappointments in my life and pinpoint the ones I was hurt by and pinpoint the ones that grew me into the happy and goal-oriented person that I am today. Enough about me, here’s the comparison:

The failure fails; he lets the failure control his action and mindset and lets that failure destroy him. He will never attempt that same feat again; ever in his life.

The successful guy fails; many more times than the failure. He gets up; he fails again. He tries again, modifies his process, sees the project through from start to finish, and fails AGAIN. He starts over, learns some new tricks, surveys his customers, finds out their wants and likes, finds out their needs and dislikes, puts it all together and…FAILS AGAIN. He gets up. He tries and tries and tries. Finally, after all of those unsuccessful and disappointing attempts, he makes a dollar. He makes someone smile. His product works. He tweaks and tweaks and tweaks until he GETS IT. Happy ending? Maybe. But he has SUCCEEDED. He is now driven to do more and affect more people and continues until he is a household name.

Are you starting to see the difference? Everybody fails; the successful people usually fail the most. But they turn those failures into learning experiences and use them to put it into overdrive and head towards success.

Think of this analogy (I did NOT come up with this one): the best baseball players hit .400 or .300 AT BEST. That’s only 3 hits out of 10! 30%! That means they FAILED 7 times! Yet, they are the best because they have succeeded at a higher rate than the unsuccessful hitters. Crazy, huh? It is easy to let failures get you down, but the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how they use the outcome of the failure to drive the next step of their life. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Do your best to let your failures drive you one step closer to your success! Cheers!

How do I Cope with Changes in Life?

Everyday we deal with many changes that directly or indirectly affect our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Whether it is in our thoughts or actions, we simply can’t ignore the fact that we have to make constant changes to better adapt to our environment, and ultimately make the most of every given situation.

Changes can be viewed as short term or long term adjustment made to improve a situation or to achieve certain predetermined goals. As much as we want to embrace changes with a positive attitude, but changes could also be seen as something threatening and unpleasant. Whichever angle you look at changes, a good understanding of any situation will keep your mind objective to undertake changes in the most positive outlook.

Changes come in various forms. The most essential changes take place in our everyday lives such as in the area of decision making, career development, family planning, health care and so on. These changes are within our control as we can determine the outcome by choosing the desired course of actions amongst all other alternatives to a situation. For example, a young lady who wants to excel in her career must choose actions that will help her further develop her career skills. In choosing the right thing to do, she must first identify her strengths and weaknesses, and then decide upon the area of improvements that will eventually pave her corporate ladder in years to come.

On the other hand, there are many changes which are unpredictable and unexpected. These are changes which occur when we are not ready to make a shift from our comfort zone. Usually, such changes are called for in times of a crisis or turn of event that could affect our lives or the lives of our loved ones drastically. If the situation is left unattended, the consequences could be detrimental to all involved. For example, if one of our aged parents passed away due to a sudden heart attack, we have to help the other parent to cope with the grief period. If proper care is not given immediately, the surviving parent may face serious health problems.

Naturally, changes which are within our control are more likely to be accepted; while changes that are beyond our control will demand greater courage and boldness in us. How then are we to cope with changes in life? What could be done to make changes more acceptable and pleasant?

I have devised a simple yet effective method in which the process of change is made possible when applied overtime. I called this method “I Can!” An acronym that represent the 4-steps process of producing a change: Identify Create-Assess-Never Give Up!

The first step, “Identify”, is a crucial step where you identify the situation at hand from all perspectives. This is when questions are raised to gain better understanding of the situation, such as: Who is affected? Why is this happening? and so forth.

The second step, “Create”, is when you explore alternatives to cope with the situation you are facing. After weighing the pros and cons of the alternatives, you must create the course of actions – changes – which you are ready to commit.

The third step, “Assess”, is a time where you assess the effectiveness of the actions which you have taken earlier. This step is important to see if your changes are working towards solving the situation or not. If the results are undesirable, you must then evaluate the factors that contributed to the results and find ways to solve it.

Lastly, you must “Never Give Up” no matter how great the challenges and difficulties you faced when coping with the various changes in your life. Remember that you have started the race and must aim to reach the finishing line. Everyone is cheering for you; your parents, spouse, siblings, children and friends. It is not how fast you run but how well you finish! They want to see you win and succeed.

A change indeed is an imperative part of growth for everyone. Despite all the hardship we had to face when bringing about a change, all your effort will be well paid off when your goals are achieved, and faith strengthened; ready to face with greater wave of changes in life.